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Dutch Design

Next evolution of the Naked lamp

No more expensive dimmer and no more flickering lamps.

Easy to match with any interior, available in 3 sizes and 6 colors

Designed, manufactured and shipped from the Netherlands

The production process takes place at the social work place

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Social work place

We believe in love in a product.

Our lamp sleeves are made at the Weener XL, a social work place where the lamp sleeves receive all the attention they deserve.


Dress your light

Sometimes lamps are just too bright.

The lamp sleeve subtly dims the light and with the different designs it matches any interior.

The accessory for the naked lamp.

Smart fit

Not only the LampSleeve is Smart fit . Also the production process. The sleeves come out of the machine like a bead chain. They must then be looped and knotted. All this is done by the lovely people at the social workplace.



Dimed the light


Elastic knitwear

Available in 6 colors

State-of-the-art machines

The lamp sleeves come out of the knitting machines like a bead chain. In this stage they don't look like lamp sleeves at all. The sheltered workshop ensures that the lamp sleeves get the shape that makes your winter pleasant.

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